List of 125+ Positive Adjectives (2024)

List of 125+ Positive Adjectives (1)

    Happy Jumping Woman With List Positive Adjectives


    Woman: Mironov Konstantin / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Background: Tolchik / iStock / Getty Images Plus


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While there’s nothing wrong with being realistic, no one likes a Negative Neddy. This is where adjectives can help, giving you the right words to describe people, places, and things. Knowing your positive adjectives gives you the vocabulary to describe your charming friends, your passionate colleagues, and every stunning rainbow. A bigger personal vocabulary also improves your writing, so keep your eye on that silver lining.

List of Positive Attitude Adjectives

It’s not always easy keeping up a positive attitude, but building up your personal lexicon of positive attitude adjectives might help. You’ll begin to see yourself as more diligent, dynamic, or likable than you realize.

affectionatehaving or showing fond feelings or tendernessloving, adoring, fond
agreeablepleasing or pleasantpleasant, harmonious, amenable
amiablefriendly and agreeable in dispositionfriendly, polite, kind
brightintelligentsmart, intellectual
charminghighly pleasing or delightfulenchanting, fascinating
creativecharacterized by originality and expressivenessartistic, imaginative, inventive
determinedresolute, having made a firm decisionpersistent, stubborn, single-minded
diligentconsistent in effort; pursued with persevering energy and attentionpersistent, hard-working, industrious
diplomatichaving the ability to deal with situations or people in an effective, sensitive waytactful, gracious, strategic
dynamicfull of energy and positive in attitudecharismatic, energetic, vital
energeticshowing great vitality and activityvigorous, vivacious, lively
friendlykind and pleasant; on good terms withaffable, companionable, amicable
funnycausing amusem*nt or laughterhilarious, amusing, comical
generousfreely giving and sharing; unselfishbig-hearted, charitable, considerate
givingcaring; providing emotional supportgenerous, big-hearted, bountiful
gregarioussociable; fond of being around othersaffable, friendly, convivial
hardworkingworking with great energy and concentrationindustrious, diligent, zealous
helpfuluseful; readily providing assistancebeneficent, supportive, accommodating
kindhaving a good, generous, or friendly natureaffable, good, compassionate
likablepleasant and easy to likeagreeable, friendly, amiable
loyalgiving constant faith and support to a person, nation, or institutionfaithful, committed, devoted
patientable to tolerate problems without complaint or angerenduring, tolerant, forbearing
politeshowing good mannerscourteous, civilized, cordial
sincerefree of deceit, falseness, or pretensegenuine, honest, heartfelt

List of Positive Adjectives To Describe a Person

One of the few sure things in life is: People are incredibly diverse. You need words to describe people and their actions beyond just great. Whether you need to describe a blithesome sibling, upbeat friend, or your own stunning look today, it never hurts to expand your vocabulary of positive adjectives for people.

amazingastonishing; instilling great wonder or surpriseastounding, stunning, fascinating
awesomecausing overwhelming feelings of admiration, reverence, or fear; impressiveamazing, awe-inspiring, outstanding
blithesomehaving a cheerful dispositionlighthearted, carefree, gleeful
excellentextremely good; having outstanding qualitywonderful, superior, exceptional
fabulousexceptionally good; nearly unbelievablewonderful, awesome, phenomenal
favorablepositive; expressing or characterized by approvalagreeable, supportive, encouraging
fortuitouslucky; happening by chance or accidentaccidental, unexpected, serendipitous
gorgeousvery attractive in appearance; beautifulhandsome, exquisite, good-looking
incredibleunbelievable; extraordinarymarvelous, inconceivable, amazing
uniquehaving no equal, one of a kindsingular, individual, unparalleled
mirthfuljoyous, cheerfulmerry, carefree, gleeful
outstandingprominent; exceptionally goodsuperior, excellent, magnificent
perfectbeyond improvement; as close to the ideal as possibleflawless, faultless, impeccable
philosophicalcalm, patient, or composed in light of disappointments; versed in philosophyreflective, rational, profound
propitiouspresenting favorable conditions; favorably inclinedauspicious, advantageous, promising
remarkableextraordinary; worthy of noticeunusual, impressive, noteworthy
rousingstirring, lively, vigorousenthusiastic, spirited, chirpy
spectacularcharacterized by an impressive display; thrilling or daringawesome, breathtaking, dazzling
splendidmagnificent, gorgeous, superbluxurious, excellent, illustrious
stellarrelating to the stars; exceptionally goodcosmic, outstanding, superior
stupendousamazingly large; causing amazementwonderful, fabulous, marvelous
superof the highest degree; very good; of an extreme degreegreat, magnificent, terrific
upbeathappy and optimisticcheerful, buoyant, rosy
stunningcausing astonishment or bewilderment; characterized by striking excellence or beautybeautiful, gorgeous, dazzling
wondrousmarvelous, wonderfulastonishing, extraordinary, miraculous


Descriptive Positive Words for Personality Traits and Qualities

People have complex, nuanced personalities that exist beyond the binary of bad and good. With the right vocabulary, you can better describe the personality traits and qualities of your considerate friends and loving family, or you can write plucky, vivacious characters.

adeptvery skilledproficient, adroit, skillful
alluringcharming; very tempting or attractiveseductive, enticing, beguiling
amplesufficient or more than enoughplentiful, abundant, bountiful
bountifulgiving generously; large in amountabundant, plentiful, magnanimous
braveready and willing to face dangercourageous, fearless, valiant
breathtakingthrilling or awe-inspiring in qualityamazing, heart-stopping, impressive
brilliantshining brightly; having or displaying great intelligence or skilldazzling, outstanding, astute
capablehaving the power and ability to accomplish somethingcompetent, able, adept
considerateshowing care and awareness of other people’s feelingsthoughtful, attentive, accommodating
courageousnot deterred by dangerous or fearful thingsbrave, bold, daring
dazzlingextremely bright, enough to blind temporarily; highly skilled, clever, or attractivebrilliant, glittering, sensational
elegantgracefully refined; tasteful or luxurious in dress or stylechic, dignified, fashionable
enchantingdelightfully captivating and charmingalluring, beguiling, bewitching
faithfultrue to one’s principles; remaining loyalreliable, dependable, devoted
fearlessbold, brave, or intrepidcourageous, unafraid, daring
frankdirect in speechunreserved, straightforward, matter-of-fact
gleaminggiving off light or brightness; radiantshining, glistening, lustrous
glimmeringshining faintly or unsteadilyscintillating, dazzling, twinkling
glisteningshining with a sparkling lightglossy, lustrous, gleaming
glitteringshining with a shimmering or sparkling lightgleaming, glistening, twinkling
glowingwarmly favorable or praiseworthy; brightenthusiastic, vibrant, flushed
humorouscausing laughter and amusem*ntcomical, funny, amusing
knowledgeablewell-informed or well-versed in specific topicssmart, educated, intelligent
lovelyexquisitely beautiful; pleasant or enjoyablegood-looking, delightful, adorable
lovingwarmly affectionatefond, caring, admiring
lustrousluminous; brilliantshining, glorious, glowing
magnificentsublime; extraordinary; having exceptional sizewonderful, brilliant, grandiose
marveloussuperb, excellent; improbable or unbelievableastonishing, awesome, fantastic
nicepleasant in natureagreeable, fair, friendly
optimistichopeful and confident about future eventspositive, sanguine, cheerful
passionatehaving intense emotions or strong feelingsardent, enthusiastic, impassioned
persistentlasting or enduring despite obstacles or oppositiondetermined, relentless, resolute
pluckyshowing couragebrave, heroic, gutsy
proficientcompetent or skilled in a craft or subjectable, adept, capable
ravishingenchanting; extremely attractivealluring, beautiful, gorgeous
romanticcharacterized by the expression of loveamorous, sentimental, intimate
self-confidenttrusting or secure in oneselfassertive, self-assured, composed
sensibleshowing or possessing wisdom, prudence, or sound judgmentastute, reasonable, practical
sleeksmooth or glossy; gracefulshiny, silky, satin
sparklingshining brightly with flashes of lightglinting, gleaming, brilliant
thoughtfulcaring and considerate of othersmindful, gracious, tactful
twinklingshining with a light that alternates between faint and brightsparkling, flashing, shimmering
vividfull of life; producing strong feelingsintense, powerful, evocative
vibrantvigorous or energetic; stimulatingdynamic, vivacious, animated
vivaciouslively, spiritedactive, animated, effervescent
warm-heartedkind and sympathetickindhearted, selfless, affable
willingreadily given or doneprepared, agreeable, inclined
zestfulhaving great energy or enthusiasmexhilarated, eager, vivacious

List of Positive Adjectives for Your Resume

Your resume is a tool for selling yourself to a potential employer, which is hard to do when you’re just using words. Even if you’re fully qualified, the wrong words in your resume can send you back to scrolling through endless job listings. Sticking with some positive adjectives can help you land the interview, and they can be a great reminder that you’re an ambitious, devoted, and responsible employee.





able to readily adjust to different conditions

flexible, versatile, resilient


having the desire to be successful or achieve goals

determined, goal-oriented, enterprising


easy to talk to; accessible

friendly, affable, sociable


having a strong desire to succeed in competition

aggressive, ambitious, cutthroat


having strong belief of assurance

sure, convinced, assured


putting customers’ needs first

generous, giving, friendly


extremely loyal

committed, devout, ardent


having experienced an education; characteristic of qualities of learning and culture

experienced, learned, knowledgeable


achieving peak productivity with minimal waste of time and effort

capable, productive, adept


moving or changing quickly

quick, hurried, expeditious


adaptable; pliable

adjustable, responsive, amenable


characterized by close attention or concentration

absorbed, engaged, engrossed


fair; sincere; honorable

truthful, genuine, virtuous


thinking or acting for oneself; autonomous

self-reliant, self-sufficient, individualistic


eager for knowledge, intellectually curious

analytical, questioning, intrigued


showing a deep understanding

perceptive, astute, shrewd


open to new ideas

receptive, approachable, objective


orderly and efficient; having formed a labor union

arranged, coordinated, structured


having a pleasing personality

approachable, friendly, sociable


able to produce large amounts of goods or commodities

fruitful, constructive, efficient


having traits and qualities necessary for a job

able, skillful, capable


not strict; free of tension or anxiety

easygoing, laid-back, nonchalant


able to skillfully overcome difficulties

creative, clever, quick-witted


capable of being trusted; reliable or dependable

accountable, trustworthy, competent


proficient or knowledgeable about technology



You’ve watched the latest movie, read the newest book, or caught up with the new season of your favorite show. All you can muster is “I liked it.” It’s time to expand your language horizons so you can talk about the engrossing plot, engaging characters, and powerful visuals like a true art critic.

engagingcharming and attractive; drawing favorable attentioncaptivating, appealing, inviting
engrossingcompletely occupying one’s attentionabsorbing, gripping, enthralling
captivatingcapable of attracting and holding one’s interestenchanting, engrossing, riveting
fantasticextravagantly fancifulawesome, sensational, imaginary
grippingintensely holding one’s interest and attentionabsorbing, engrossing, consuming
heartwarmingemotionally rewarding or satisfyinggratifying, heartening, inspiring
hilariousextremely amusing, merrycomical, amusing, uproarious
imaginativeshowing creativity or inventivenessfanciful, artistic, whimsical
movingevoking strong feelingstouching, affecting, poignant
powerfulevoking a strong effect on thoughts or feelingscompelling, persuasive, impressive
spellbindingholding one’s thoughts or feelings as though by a magic spellenchanting, entrancing, bewitching
thought-provokingstimulating attention or careful considerationprovocative, intriguing, inspiring


Sentence Examples Using Positive Adjectives

Now that you know some positive adjectives, it’s a good idea to learn how to use them properly in your regular conversations and writing. It can help you be more open-minded and optimistic.

  1. The movie was so hilarious that I could hardly breathe from laughing so hard.
  2. The parents were thankful that the spellbindingpuppet show kept the children’s attention.
  3. I promise that the story about creating the world’s most perfect cheeseburger is more gripping than you think.
  4. Even though he tended to be independent, he wasn’t afraid to ask for help when he really needed it.
  5. The confident puppy dove headfirst into the swimming pool.
  6. We were all out of breath by the time we hit the peak of the mountain, but it was worth it for the breathtaking scenery.
  7. The moving tribute to pizza left everyone in the theater close to tears.
  8. The whole crowd applauded after the dazzling fireworks display.
  9. Despite his cold, grumpy exterior, he was actually quite warm-hearted once you got to know him.
  10. The resourceful camper was able to start a fire and cook dinner with just some aluminum foil and a sock.
  11. His vivacious nature helped to keep up everyone’s spirits.
  12. The team’s competitive drive helped them win out against the competition.
  13. The book was so engrossing that she didn’t even realize her friend was talking to her.
  14. It was such a lovely day that absolutely nothing could bother them.
  15. The devoted customer refused to shop elsewhere, even after the increase in the price of bananas.
  16. The bird’s persistent foraging helped the babies grow strong.
  17. The car had ample room for all their groceries, a bike, and a box full of encyclopedias.
  18. Her vivid imagination as a child is part of what led to her becoming an artist.
  19. The soda’s unique flavor tasted like a mix of guavas and cheese.
  20. Her gregarious nature made it easy for her to find friends in the new city.


Other Words To Help Keep Things Positive

Positivity is contagious, and the words you use play a role in that. Now that your mind has an ample supply of positive adjectives, it’s time to expand with a whole host of other positive parts of speech. Building up your vocabulary can help you develop more thought-provoking writing and conversation, and it can give you a leg up on your favorite word games.

  • Positive Words That Start With “A”
  • Positive Words for Evaluating Employees
  • Words That Describe a Good Friendship
List of 125+ Positive Adjectives (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.