The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2025)

THE STAUNTON NEWS-LEADER. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1 933 PAGE SIX vious week but increased 5 3,681 cars, over 1931 due to the varia 90 score at 22 1-4 and 50 tubs Su WIMBLEDON'S 1922 STAR SHOWS GOLFING PROMISE tion of the Christmas holiday. Traffic is currently following sea score at 22 1-2 cents. Eggs. Receipts 7,925 cast: Market firm and one cent high er on standards at one hall-cen hlrher nn rehanrileri rerelnfa -nil, a n.fiiiMiiLL-j.iMiLmii inn iiiimmmhihiwiUii iui 'ill II 1 1 IIIIIIHW BWBBBggjiWjWipi saBweaBxsaiMnii jii fmririniiir 1 Storage eggs firm and 1-2 ctni higher, on standards and 1 1-: cents higher on rehandled re celpts.

Refgr. standards sold i Sydney, Australia, Jan. t.ijt) Gerald L. Patterson, the Wimbledon tennis champion of lilt and 1122, champion of Australia and Australian Davis eup player for many years, has taken up golf seriously. Competing In the Emerald country club meeting, be tied for second place with an eighty-two.

The event was won by Iro Whit-ton, five times champion of with a seventy-six. 30. Rehandled receipts-offeree 21 1-2 cents bids at 31 cent? White specials 34-35 cents. Poultry. Receipts modem, and market unchanged from lar MEMBERS OF 'FOUR HORSEMEN AT GRID MEETING Gopher Guard sonal trends.

Price cutting was announced in je oil as well as the tobacco industry, both reflecting competitive situations, though the old spectre, overproduction, had to be deckoned with la considering reductions by jietroleum companies. December average of Btel production, said one trade review, "was distinctly above the low of last August" This publication, "American metal Market," added that the trade, was now convinced "it rounded the turn last summer" and that with the period of seasonal gain at band "it it expected general business improvement will make such progress aa to take up the slack of usual seasonal decrease in tonnae after April 1." NEW YORK MARKETS B0TT0MLEY, ENGAGED TO MANY, TRADED; GIRL FANS MOURN week's dosing prices. Leghorn hens 11-14 cents, colored hen 12-16 cents; chickens Leghon 10-12 cent. Reds 1 cents, Rockt 16 cents. Broilers Leghorns 14 16, Reds 14-16; Rocks 13-17, I 41 1 few higher.

Pullet ks 16-19 I Sportsman's park on ladies day, wa traded to A few days later announcement was made of hi approaching marriage to Miss Betty Browner, co proprietor of a SL Louis capons large 20-34 cents each Ducks 12-14 cents. St. Louis, Jan. J. (JP) Feminine baseball fans hereabouts sustained a double blow within a week, all on account of "Sunnny- Jim" Bottomley.

Bottomley, star first sacker of the Cardinal for several years and the player for whom the loudest shrieks of applause filled a I v-- beauty shop. They are to wed be for faxed Throats' fore the Reds go south to tbelr Florida training camp. 0 Unrv V'CKS WMtDICATED Couch Drop I I i I i mi ii iibm T-iMiimmii i-1" FAMOUS SWISS GUARDS Ingredients of Vicks VapoRub in Candy form New York, Jan. 2. Butter.

Receipts 9,584 tubs. Market opened weak and steauy at 1-4 cent lower. One sale 50 tubs 93 score at 33 1-2 cents, 4 sales 200 tubs NOT SO GOOD AT SOCCER i fm, WW 4 i if la varlably have gone down to mortifying; defeat. Vatican city turns out a repre Vatican City, Dee.8. P) Aa football -players the Pope's famous Swiss Guards hare distinguished themselves for their inefficiency.

They followed suit when the pontifical gendarmes formed a soccer team, but the Guards in- sentative and enthusiastic audience when the gendarmes play, 5 VA imS LaZi, Monsignors are among the most Thrs ef th famous "foot boracm" Metr Dm' tlC4 rw ami aiwcaosKa cf th ardent rooters. attended th meeting th America Football Cch aaaaciatira Ter mAmm CM Vcrw was made. They now are coach, teft right: Harry 5Su ttp otHvc ca: tlf Layton, Duqucsn university caach; "ASam WaiH aumaw ef Yalc'a caaenms sttsf. sma Aanaa Ccwartey, Michigan State coach. (Aesociated rYua Pkott) STOCK MARKET Formal announcement of clr-garet price cuts by leading manufacturers found shorts in the tobacco shares ready, to cover and that group finished higher.

Other PHIL BALI MS LONG BKWne- major divisions, however, suf I Mil Virgil "Heavy" Lkht (pronounced of Baraboo, Wla. I on sjm wwteran of th current Unl-roreity of Minnesota basketball toaea and an of the Big Tna leatfing guard. (Aaaoclatsd Pre Photo) REGULAR BASEBALL LAIID1S The keenest shaving edge known to 'science is found on the "BLUE BLADE" Gillette's exclusive photoelectric sharpness tester proves this. Your own experience will confirm it Try the "BLUE BLADE tomorrow morning HATCHERY V. S.

D. B. Defeats Stuarts Draft New Tork, Jan. 3 OP) Financial marketr extended a lukewarm greeting to the New Tear today. On the stock exchange, shares edged downward In very dull trading while heaviness of railroad loans tended to offset strength of foreign bonds.

Neither cotton nor corn was much changed. Stocks' net losses averaged into a fraction cotnpared with a drop of more than two points in the first session of last year. Trading on Jan. 2 1932,. was much more active, sales for the Saturday aggregating 772,440 shares against today's five hour volume of 489,710, the smallest since Oct.

81. fered from the absence of speculative interest which was. the market's chief feature and with professionals unwilling to assume much of a position the general Hat eaeed, especially toward the close when the lowest prices were reached. For TJ. S.

Steel common, Dn-Pont, General Electric, Southern (Pacific, and International Harvester, the dip from Saturday's close approximated half a point. American Tobacco was up 1 2-8 net, while Liggett A Myers firmed a large fraction. Business news after the holiday was meager. Freight loadings for the week ended Dec. 24 were off 22.

21 cars from the pre V. S. D. defeated th Stuarts Draft Hich cbool basketball gpyintTn r. xam J.

i. IS yam ts ak wfcer team yesterday afternoon at the local chool by a score of thirty- No ascltsfs eoa- BLADES" unlets carriss lbs portrait af Kin Gfflctt. laru itwHlin ftswra cmb fmenv eaa cflcy of aoarwly soor Utaua ewuid mappHj a Bsnr part wd 1.1 amraw. lm S.rt cHol kaa pet seven to nineteen. Tb deaf lads Beamed to hav la proved their passing gam Jnc th last engagement but they etlll lack th ability to find baaket.

Milwaukee ratefcer trasfrrs4 tie Brawas) aa4 taeac to aa-otber faras at 4de4 ergy to Ball's fght. Ualie awarded Tbompsoa Louis! Uv srbica had rlatme4 that player en waivers, aad threatened fa If aJmilar deala were attempts)! by tber "chala atora" elnbe. RamtjliBga of protest kept eom-tag the surface whew dala arranged te Clark Griffith. Conn I Mack aad ether owners wee na'i jdd by too eoaaatastoaer. at consMerabl loss to the magnate involved.

aieca4c fiem Finally, two year ago. In th rase of Ire4 Beaaett. tasetved la a transfer vraagle. found Its way Into federal court at the Rror the and of th came. wfail the deaf lads lad thirty- eve to thlrtean.

Coach Lewellrn wve aura ka sib tg time tfiaa many a fta2e. aaa 3 errfl doexat keena ertflt. Hero a Tnimu-p 4 ia Sonser-wtllw hWa jum. tt, j.UJ for maff ef-tftwr. UaivH rel Tarrnr.

ildrd aail caaiULrn Tle I'ltls-bnrf tnbSa. aent in hia second team six pointa tinr acorea on inia oumu v. s. n. B.

next meeta Le ST. LOUIS. Jan. iPV PM1 Dcatrsby Ball, flshtlnr of the Browtid. Meotlflfd bf (porta autboritia as the man behind the fxrn th WaiJiieb shook Ciar K.

M. Landts oa I he throne of baseball at the nnt major league meetinir. Clone follower of the gam give Ball moat of the rredU for pushing through the rMolntlon under which the eommlwloner would be pretested from tsauina: "Interpretatire" rulings la rase of players ownd by "rltat store" clubs. The resolution, first iutf-eenfal attempt to curb the corumlwfioo-er's authority since he waa glieo virtually absolute eontrol of game years ago. repreeeWt-ed Just twelve years of agltatloa on the part of tail.

Me oppopl turning the reiaa over to Judxe Landis at the start; In fact. Is aald aeter to hare signed the document glstag Landts supreme jowr. Iloun.l To Sileave Ball's battle woo some iuport from American league magnate, but National etab owDra beH out stubbornly against ebangtasr the system. A rlauae In th agreement binding the magnate to tomplatn pablirlr acaln the 'commissioner' rulings effectually silenced any The case of Bay Thompson. higb achoo) at Lee on Tuesday Bight.

Arc? of BalL ralUn at tie meeting a year ag pot 0 WINS TITLE Iwtrte pea- New York Ta- foil owtn you ttrongk aam reolatio wfeicb reeeatly earrted Ball threatened to rea th suit in AT HANDBALL kea. rraaus Bgokin. tae New Tork Gtaacr ruxurc fi-tevie SitOfiy fsr th SMtot ftrasw. nia nother Denver, Jan. I.

UP) Ai at a ports championship stat a ports championship was a off ame cveam a tb taken out of Colorado this month tb aapren court, bat ultlmate-ly agreed to dismise th actios th good of tae gam." Ioeoraie fresar eompetllaa; snore owner to ado th chain tor plan added recrttlta Bali std daring th past year. As a resaJt Ball, wtta able assistant front th blggeat ehalm er owaers of them all wbn Lorenzo Clawson, Utah A Sac we sjtie aar fmmi wouid Slate handball singles king, ac of extradition) quired tb same title here. Claw- toirmirt wrUawal Jimmy trimt and wrrth tb Br ous aew Is ca.1r3itmr. for (DwUb Kmigsr Toll An-fr claim for the aims amount khat asksd- by tb American asksd whj really wanj ClnPLAIlSGOIfi son and Alaa McComb, Ltah donblea champions, were unable to win tb Colorado double th Etrrasoorg cfluk Ibe Kew loci, tnw hHarse: Arthur Cra- it waS Bled by aionnec Branch Rickey aad Sam Breadow some gooc today ad (dinner tot TttaaMlC mnthtg the Swaaistt liquidate Vtanm A TolL ThiS dalril. of th Cardiaale waa aM Hani sfxmB Ibe Tanks aad erstaaT au atjeenAkcewhlji wltb carry his point.

r. was mads merely ta avoid mmIhiuht af fecal aomtdlca laurels, however. SNOWBALL Athens. th- fVimfleii-ud aa (iie Bine la aanectioa with the els'ri Kufx hesnie. atd 4aay Mar-y.

we magiwd mp jibe American trust our PATTERN FEATURE LOSES GAME Clause aarweeaj swwuwna ac and he claims oi si a.TraW a kW tsrday, ths seas tw fjmimi leans for el perle'aee OUTSIDE OF THAT, PAUL VINCENTI1AS PRACTICALLY NOTHING TO DO AT UPSALA Martin. Jan. 1. IJPt A anwtalor tied uo th bas- hM aam between San Martin rMkJy. 8ftr BawkeOl Bl aad Cottage Grov when he toss tiajp wS gcadtied fee Detroit nen Ins saOary wing wwei t4 a ywar atr asr mmt te waa traded ed a anowball Into the Infield.

San Martin was trailing, one to three, when a Saa Martin batter Tosnraciit. fore by Bight. A e-cKvr at TpwaU C-rrwe Is taklaa; a fall Cooiwo of $MiwrC: a gfrtne ta liaoeAaaa Is seat an a non fly. At the Bam J.SV ilmwt Ailiog baa- study and as aa honor atadeat. Imgywii if barik ilaj1w dia- time a snowball was hurled from th elands and Instead of catching the baseball, tb folder nag- ft! haw tsjrbed at anaay a tVk arool aad mX)y o) gad tb snowball.

Two an en scored. emk-pr) learn. tJouth Orange. K. J-.

() Everything will be ail right In th llfo of I'aul Vincent Carew It he doesn't forge! which. of hU job he's snppt-4 to be doing. But If Khoi td forget, g-t In a Mm. He might, for tnntancf, ne a tcbtt bat for a nlht etWk oa an re. or tnlKht uee grid wtgnals for aa aw-wer to a technical qneitloa oa law In the elawrora.

For Paul Vincent kea th aai- I th tvvr yvr laacFaydea LsS voufcl "Wsi .1, pahdl anc fhacan 4ay4 ant- COLLECTS Se4i rr SrinieevO big tt wa Ti' ykC th 3nttctaa heasro ctaasnwian- lies beea oa tfc ata-ht trtck of too. aad thi waa tb first year th potle deoartmeat fonr year, rouMa't find tint to a varsity teckl oa tb football team. He's had three year of vatvsfy aad will again rr-lar ratrber aeit wprlac. tut as. wtdellne or to hl fill hia spar time he la trca arer of the Cpeala taiettt eamat-etl.

a neeWber of th atadeat poft-Itcatlo board and a swmhor the rapet apeaker oimitt. htv ewwctHf- gtmv oanea. Billings CAGE RULES Lawrence. Jan. I.

phvyeiC etl aaane leaan. Mwr aem. hsmtoentaiOy. atrwrk Dr. James Nalsralth.

Inventor of XX bmw fta ne cnscnal amn and wtiem. af- basketball, kss a file of basket tor biwvwnc ctb4. ka went qne distinction of blng a pr-Iwal atudent and athMe at college hy day and a pal riot-man on the Fouta Orang oulie ball rule dating from the original ones which he drafted. A 10 In hia collection are eoplss of tb to R-oe-wB aMSkftemy ft Mala, he V' tiSctewiti na mt fvnrteietj rule la French. Chek.

Greek, Japanese, Cblnes and Turkish. Xec aJS Oe errra aaaobaa rninhaanw avne reewmt wlataca. GRID SCORING FOLLOWS ATTENDANCE IN SLUMP Th h-rl wMTi BMt fasnan Sale of wet Odsler M. At '31 1 VS SJ arhlwt aaa tat afford, whifv anmrst I ftoral tagead. metSsmSly HwLm dUwpawdent wh asm out etchetma ew serwy suew.

and wb afteraardl tnwj Uiesa wt tb jiarter t-nr OatnuaSt TENNESSEE'S GREAT RECORD JET11ET0H 1a aTuweiE eyjMam wctly III i has tttf sf Tart has yatatM. mt ase4 af i.C aelats 71 L.HIK. a real from lb State IOUX7 KX0XV1LLE. Jaa. i4V-Tk of Tsnnesne fM(lwH' tram has com piled a d-frnilve as well as aa Sai record is the aat Ht yra.

polat whil wta-nlag xty-eevea game. The Tt a 1 aa IkW aW4 sbars at ska taswrpts fro I Baa a Bha aWta STKsb ttlll tet, SEATTLE. Jan. 1. JV Following th general downward trend In receipts, attendance aad virtually everything el la football, I'ai-iflc coast conferenr eior-Ing fell off almtwt 1 va point compared with the Html of 19J1.

The ten teams in the coef crane collected a total of only SIS points la rhaaiplonihip play this year compared with (11 East sea-eon in spite of the fact that three more games were While six of the tm tmt art a-ally ored more IkU fall than In 1931. the increase were ellght 1n mrwt, the four other elevens Ml far Ixov. SfafLU aawsy saw Inths andai OwtoBsr Vl eard. A etherwi are ta the 4 and tees ef nntled aeroa tv and 1 aa Bjuaoaisn seaay High Shoes Can you wear any of these sizes? Vi $Yt IB 8YxA 10ft Combination last. 1C wnn am lwk a Core Ita AnylMng Else" Conducted by Anne Adams, nationally known fashion and pattern expert, the Pattern Department of this newspaper performs a real set-vict for the woman who sews for herself or for her family.

Every day a different Anne Adams style is offered and there is sure to be model you will want It is a very easy matter for you to order the pattern. Just put your order in the mail box with your remittance. A PERFICT-FTTTING Anne Adams Pattern with complete, illustrated instructions will reach you without delay, allowing you enough time to look around the shops for the most suitable material with which to make up the pattern. TWi mrnm'm TeyclaU Com- aa iivi bargain tor you. Chest Coldi (1 They re worth $13.50.

We're closing them out at 7. SCSI START 1933 IN A MODERN OFFICE We have nevera! suite Available-, 2nd floor Leader build ingr. They ar up-to-date, have hardwoo floors, sunny oathrn exposure, excellent janitor wn ice. and are ideally located. 7 Apply to Ruckman Johnson are loosrnetf by th aid of the oil that nsed la BEL'S MULSION $g95 (fitter "AJWsTyltbrywwWnlr snfcwsMal hmi mmk iaarsac down patna I swniid snaredy rw arv 1mm eaealdr Caarmrtd kelpal awe tbim awiiac I lososa- sT'ara'varrw in The News-Leader BARTTJ, erg CO.

Too jret reHflf ka three mr fonr done. Voor rotigh will be rre4 only when tb flow af tb natural fTald ks hsrreaaedL loowntng; tha phlrgns mm that tt caa erpelledL For sale at all drsg store day every IX3I Srwmac LsitbwwL dia fHOTB 1 I dWia. rc a hcue af Vagetebla assj ywnrenssirt fade. 4.

The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2025)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.